Windows 12 and Windows Server 2025 Spotted in Virtualization Software

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Heads Up: There's chatter that Windows 12 could launch in 2024.

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Heads Up: There's chatter that Windows 12 could launch in 2024.

Info we know about windows 12 launch

Remember when Microsoft said Windows 10 was it? Well, plans change. After launching Windows 11 with a bunch of new features and a fresh look, Microsoft isn't stopping there. Last July, Windows Latest reported that Microsoft is getting back to releasing major Windows updates every three years. Windows 11 came out in 2021, so the next big thing could be coming in 2024.

In December, Windows Latest added some more details. Early in its development, Windows 12 was nicknamed "Next Valley," and it looks like it's slated for a late 2024 release. If all this is true, we might hear some official news about Windows 12 this year. In fact, Günter Born, a tech expert, mentioned getting a tip from a blog reader about a mention of Windows 12 in VMware software.

In VMware vSphere 8, when setting up a new virtual machine, Windows 12 is already an option for the guest operating system. And it's not alone; Windows Server 2025 is on the list, too. While this doesn't prove anything on its own, Born pointed out that VMware and Microsoft work closely together, making a mistake less likely.

Meanwhile, users are still not rushing to upgrade to Windows 11. According to Steam statistics, Windows 11 crossed the 30% mark in January, but Windows 10 is still leading. However, if Windows 11's growth continues, it could become the top OS by the end of the year. Gamers, in particular, tend to switch to new software faster. Overall, Windows 10 has a larger market share, according to StatCounter.


So, there you have it—Windows 12 might be on the horizon, and the tech world is buzzing with anticipation. Stay tuned for more updates!


Article FAQ

When is Windows 12 expected to launch?
Windows 12 is rumored to be launching in late 2024, with some reports indicating that Microsoft is aiming to release major updates every three years.
What is the codename for Windows 12?
Windows 12 is nicknamed "Next Valley" during its development phase.
What virtualization software has listed Windows 12?
VMware vSphere 8 has already listed Windows 12 as an option when setting up a new virtual machine. Windows Server 2025 is also available in the list.
Does this VMware listing confirm Windows 12's release?
While this doesn't officially confirm the release, VMware and Microsoft have a close relationship, making it less likely that this is a mistake.
Is there any information about Windows Server 2025?
Along with Windows 12, Windows Server 2025 was also spotted in the VMware vSphere 8 virtualization software. However, official details remain scarce.
How are users responding to Windows 11?
While Windows 11 adoption has been growing, with Steam statistics showing it crossed 30% in January, Windows 10 still holds a larger market share overall.
Why are many users hesitant to upgrade to Windows 11?
Some users may be hesitant to upgrade due to the stable performance of Windows 10 and the newer hardware requirements of Windows 11.
Will Windows 12 have a similar adoption rate as Windows 11?
It's hard to predict, but with continued growth in Windows 11 adoption, especially among gamers, Windows 12 could see similar trends if it introduces new and attractive features.