Buy amazon sellers account at

Welcome to, your leading resource in the acquisition and management of Amazon seller accounts hassle-free. Amazon is one of the market leaders in the ecommerce industry, with many businesses and entrepreneurs benefiting from the wide range of opportunities it provides. Setting up an Amazon seller account can be a significant step to benefit from this vast marketplace. However, this might be challenging, as Amazon seller account holders often encounter challenges, including account qualification or deactivation issues. This article provides a comprehensive guide to operating and buying Amazon seller accounts. It covers everything from the advantages of buying an account to ensuring its safe operation. This comprehensive guide is useful even for those new to the world of online selling and those seeking alternatives to complex registration processes.

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Reasons for Buying Amazon Seller Accounts

Setting up an Amazon seller account from scratch can be overwhelming, as it entails several steps, such as product listing, customer service, and inventory management. Moreover, the process of creating an Amazon seller account takes time. With an Amazon seller account, you can list and sell products on the Amazon marketplace. Buying an Amazon seller account gives you access to millions of potential customers, making it a lucrative venture. When buying an Amazon seller account, it is advisable to deal with reputable sellers that comply with Amazon's policies. For instance, buying an Amazon FBA (fulfillment by Amazon) account ensures you get Amazon's packing, storage, and shipping services. Such services are crucial, especially if you want to grow your business quickly. However, the different requirements in the registration process can be overwhelming, which makes some people consider buying an established Amazon account. Below are some of the reasons for buying Amazon seller accounts.

  • Reputation benefits: Buying established Amazon seller accounts is advantageous because they may come with positive customer reviews and seller ratings. This may instill confidence and trust in prospective buyers.
  • Suspension avoidance: New seller accounts are more likely to be suspended due to performance issues and policy violations. Therefore, buying an account with a clean track record can significantly reduce this risk.
  • Category eligibility: Some Amazon product categories tend to have strict requirements, especially for new sellers. Therefore, buying an already approved account for these categories can open new selling opportunities.
  • Simplified registration process: The registration process of an Amazon seller account can be intricate and time-consuming. Therefore, purchasing an established account saves you this hassle, allowing you to begin selling almost immediately.

Amazon Seller Accounting

When you buy an Amazon seller account, managing its financial aspects is important. Amazon seller accounting involves applying proper accounting practices to ensure your business is on track in terms of tax regulation compliance and avoiding financial discrepancies. Therefore, it is advisable to hire an Amazon seller accountant to handle your ecommerce financial record and provide you with financial health insights. Amazon seller accountants can also help you to navigate the complexities of inventory valuation, revenue recognition, and tax compliance obligations, which will allow you to focus on growing your business.

How to Safely Operate Your Amazon Seller Account

It is important to operate your Amazon seller account responsibly to be successful in the long term. Below are tips on how you can safely operate your Amazon seller account:

  • Competitive pricing: You should analyze your competitors in order to price your products competitively. The price should incorporate shipping costs and Amazon’s fees.
  • Accurate product listings:  You must provide detailed and accurate product descriptions, honest information regarding your offerings, and upload high-quality images. 
  • Acquaint yourself with Amazon policies: You should study and familiarize yourself with Amazon’s seller account guidelines and policies to ensure compliance. Ignoring such guidelines or policies may cause account suspension.

How to set up your Amazon Seller Account

Your journey to e-commerce success depends on a well-set-up Amazon account. The following are the steps to follow in setting up your Amazon seller account:

  • Select account category: Amazon seller accounts can be categorized into professional seller accounts and individual seller accounts. An individual seller account is suitable for occasional sellers, while a professional account is suitable for high-volume sellers. You may choose either of them.
  • Registration process: You should then visit Amazon's Seller Central website and follow the step-by-step registration process.
  • Product listings: This involves creating a compelling product listing based on accurate information and relevant keywords.
  • Choosing shipping options:  Lastly, you should either choose self-fulfillment or use Amazon's FBA service for packing, storage, and shipping. Amazon FBA account allows online sellers to automate their order fulfillment and delivery processes.

Understanding Amazon Seller Account Costs

Setting up an Amazon seller account is generally free, but there are certain costs incurred when selling on Amazon. Such account costs include fulfillment fees, especially when using an Amazon FBA account, subscription fees for professional seller plans, and referral fees. Therefore, you should consider these factors when determining your pricing and profit margins.

Deactivating and reactivating your Amazon Seller Account

Deactivation may be necessary when you need to pause your selling activities temporarily. You can do this by using Amazon's "Vacation Mode," which is effective in managing your listings and orders. Reactivation involves restarting your temporarily deactivated account and reserving the Vacation Mode settings to ensure your listings are active again. You may also choose to permanently deactivate your Amazon seller account, which involves permanently closing your account. This is done by contacting Amazon seller support for assistance.

Problems associated with Amazon Seller account and how to resolve them

An Amazon seller account may encounter different problems. Below are some of them and how to deal with them:

  • Account suspension: Amazon can suspend your seller account if you violate their policies or if your performance metrics are below the set standards. If your account is suspended on these grounds, you should act quickly to resolve them by carefully reading the suspension notification from Amazon to understand the reasons for the suspension. Next, you should formulate a detailed action plan to address the main cause of the suspension by outlining the steps to undertake to prevent such incidents again. Finally, you should submit your appeal via the Seller Central website, providing all relevant information and documentation to support your case. In other words, you should clearly demonstrate your commitment to adhering to and complying with their guidelines and policies. You should be patient and follow up with Amazon's seller support.
  • Intellectual property (IP) infringement issues: You are likely to get IP infringement claims from brand owners and other sellers if they believe you are selling unauthorized or counterfeit products. Such claims can be resolved by carefully reviewing them and removing any infringing products if such claims are valid. If you believe the claims made are incorrect, you should appeal to Amazon and provide evidence to support it. It may also be necessary to seek legal advice, especially if the matter becomes complicated.
  • Account performance issues: Amazon usually tracks your performance metrics regularly, and falling below the required threshold may affect your eligibility to sell and account performance. This can be resolved by promptly and proactively addressing performance issues and tracking down order defect rates, late shipment rates, and response time to clients' inquiries. Performance issues may also be resolved by continuously improving your operations and processes to maintain a healthy account status.
  • Buy Box loss: The Buy Box plays a significant role in driving sales. Therefore, losing it to other sellers can adversely affect your visibility and sales. This problem can be avoided by remaining competitive to win and retain the Buy Box. You can also maintain your Buy Box by maintaining good performance records, such as fast and reliable shipping, and offering competitive prices with reasonable shipping costs. Retaining a healthy inventory level to avoid running out of stock can also help to maintain your Buy Box. 
  • Listing suspension or removal:  This is a scenario where Amazon removes or suppresses your product listings, especially when they receive complaints from customers that are against the company guidelines. To prevent these issues, you should ensure your product listings are accurate, with detailed, clear descriptions and high-quality images representing your products. You should also avoid false or misleading information regarding your product and address customers’ complaints promptly.
  • Negative reviews and feedback: Negative reviews and feedback can adversely affect your seller's reputation and performance, leading to lower sales. To address this problem, you should professionally and politely respond to negative feedback and reviews with the aim of resolving the raised concerns. You may also request feedback removal, especially if it violates Amazon's guidelines, such as those containing confidential information or offensive language. Negative reviews and feedback can also be resolved by the continuous provision of exceptional customer services, as this encourages positive reviews and reduces negative feedback.
  • Fulfillment and shipping challenges: Shipment delays and fulfillment issues can cause customer dissatisfaction, leading to account performance problems. Such challenges can be addressed by optimizing your fulfillment and shipping processes. For instance, you can use Amazon's FBA services as it provides reliable and fast fulfillment. Providing accurate tracking information for all shipments and communicating to customers about any potential ship delays can also address shipping and fulfillment challenges. 

Any of these issues may make your account not qualify as an Amazon seller account. Therefore, you should identify the specific issues affecting your account and rectify them accordingly. In all these scenarios, you should communicate with Amazon's seller support, be responsive to their inquiries, and provide them with timely and accurate information to address the issues effectively. Therefore, it is important to maintain a proactive and customer-centric approach to succeed as an Amazon seller account holder.

Purchasing and operating an Amazon seller account can be a lucrative venture, especially when you apply the right approach and understand Amazon's guidelines and policies. Buying an established account can even be a more fulfilling business venture as it saves you from the complex registration process. Buying an established Amazon seller account also comes with additional benefits like a reputable selling history and customer base. All you need is to adhere to Amazon's policies and guidelines and provide excellent customer service. Whether you are a newcomer or a seasoned seller seeking a forthright approach to joining the Amazon marketplace, has you covered! 


What are the reasons for buying Amazon seller accounts?
Buying an established Amazon seller account can come with reputation benefits, help you avoid suspension, provide category eligibility, and simplify the registration process.
What is Amazon seller accounting?
Amazon seller accounting involves applying proper accounting practices to ensure your business is on track in terms of tax regulation compliance and avoiding financial discrepancies.
How can you safely operate your Amazon seller account?
To safely operate your Amazon seller account, you should focus on competitive pricing, accurate product listings, and acquainting yourself with Amazon's policies.
What are the steps to set up your Amazon Seller Account?
The steps to set up your Amazon seller account include selecting the account category, following the registration process on Amazon's Seller Central website, creating product listings, and choosing shipping options.
What are the costs associated with an Amazon seller account?
The costs associated with an Amazon seller account include fulfillment fees, subscription fees for professional seller plans, and referral fees.
How can you resolve problems associated with your Amazon seller account?
Problems associated with an Amazon seller account such as account suspension, IP infringement issues, account performance issues, Buy Box loss, listing suspension or removal, negative reviews and feedback, and fulfillment and shipping challenges can be resolved by following specific steps and guidelines provided.